Having done business in Macau for 16 years, I am very well aware of the challenges in securing work visas especially during recent years. I was extremely impressed with MSS’s easyvisa services in this regard who guided and appropriately advised us at the start and pro-actively and comprehensively managed the whole process from start to…

物流及供應鏈公司 執行董事

We had long heard of how challenging it is to get visas approved in Macau and were glad to be introduced to EasyVisa for Visa Processing (both skilled and unskilled) via a business associate who had highly recommended their visa application skill and track record of success. Despite EasyVisa’s reputation, we are still very anxious…

建築工程公司 行政經理

We heard about how challenging it is to obtain successful visa application in Macau and we are concerned whether the application can be in time for our store opening. We started to engage the services of EasyVisa as they were very thorough and prompt in responding to our queries and demonstrated in depth expertise on…

國際零售品牌 總經理-香港&澳門

We thought visa application was a straight forward case in Macau and with our understanding that our case are strong, we have applied and appealed for visa applications ourselves. To our disappointment, all our applications and appeals were rejected. Under this circumstances, we were introduced to EasyVisa for their Visa Application services. Due to the…

電子器材公司 總監

We have appointed EasyVisa to process the renewal of non-skilled work permits since 2015 as we trust EasyVisa is one of the best well-established visa services Companies in Macau. They has spent much efforts to renewal our non-skills work permits application and with their professional advice all the work permit quotas have been successfully renewed.…

國際零售品牌 人力資源經理

We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the time you spend to assist with our work visa application and appeal matters. We thought work visa application is just submitting the required documents but it wasn’t as we got rejected twice. Fortunately through word of mouth referral, we engaged EasyVisa to assist…

工程公司 總監